We have started the ZAP Docs Contribution Program

You know a lot about servers and have fun writing tutorials (in English)? Then you can earn up to 75€ ZAP Coins when adding a doc to our ZAP docs via the new Contribution program.
We believe in working with our community to get the most out of ZAP-Hosting.com, and that's why we created the Docs Contribution Program. Through the Docs Contribution Program, you can write new guides and tutorials on servers and server products, or update existing docs and receive up to €75 in ZAP Coins. In June, there is even a 10% bonus for published docs!
On the official ZAP-Hosting Discord Server you can exchange with other contributors and with us.
You think you have what it takes and enjoy writing high quality docs? Then first read our doc on the new Contribution Program:

New pre-orders

In addition, the following Minecraft modpack servers are now available for pre-order:

Voucher Code

If you are thinking about getting a a Minecraft server or game-server, we have another voucher code for you that will save you 50% off the 1st payment of your next Minecraft- or game-server:

  • Save 50% on Minecraft servers or game-servers with the code: NL-16062023