More Dedicated Servers available again!

This week we received another big chunk of new hardware for additional Dedicated Servers. We have been offering Dedicated Servers for almost a year now and can hardly keep up with the orders since then! Currently we have over 500 dedicated systems rented and more are being added every day! In the next weeks we expect more hardware deliveries, so you can order your Dedicated Server and have it instantly setup! We have posted some pictures of these deliveries on our Facebook account.
So you can be sure that there will still be enough Dedicated Servers in the next weeks, without waiting time (if a Dedicated Server is not in stock, it will be built extra by us after order) and trust that we can keep the low prices even in these turbulent prices! We offer a large number of different configurations and even the cheapest models are connected to the network at 10 gbit/s, offer features like our Game Server/Teamspeak web interface and Combahton's excellent DDoS protection. In our Dedicated Server Shop all offered variants are listed:

Afterinfection servers available now

We have also added servers for Afterinfection to our game server cloud. Afterinfection is a zombie survival game in Early Access and we are happy to be the official server provider for Afterinfection. Click here to visit our Afterinfection servers:

New Minecraft modpack pre-orders

Also, you can now pre-order the following Minecraft modpack servers, which will be integrated into our system soon: