The pizza live stream can still be watched on Twitch

On Thursday we had another livestream with Rugile after it had to be postponed for a week. If you haven't seen it, check it out on our Twitch account. Among other things, Eli bakes pizza and lets you decide what goes on it. Spoiler: Bananas and pizza are not necessarily recommended together. :D Click here for the livestream:

Get an Assetto Freeroam Server

For the racing simulation fans among you, we have also added Assetto Freeroam servers. This is a server modification for Assetto Corsa that supports Freeroam and adds AI traffic. On Freeroam servers there is suddenly overlap between Assetto Corsa and GTA! Click here to go to the Assetto Corsa Freeroam servers:

Game-server voucher code

If you are now thinking about getting an Assetto server: We have another voucher code for you. With this code you can save 50% on the first payment of your next-game server, for example an Assetto Freeroam server:
