Save 50% on Game Servers and TeamSpeak Servers with Voucher Code

👍 Save 50% on Game Servers and TeamSpeak Servers with Voucher Code 🚀
Get Game Servers + TeamSpeak Servers and save 50%The weekend is here, and we have new voucher codes for you. This time, you can save 50% on the first term of your next game server and TeamSpeak server with the following voucher codes over this weekend until Saturday, 26.10.2024.
This time there are 2 voucher codes, one to save on game servers, and the other to save on TeamSpeak servers. You can rent a game server + TeamSpeak server at a discount to play and chat with your friends.
Thanks to our subdomains, you no longer have to remember IP addresses.
Voucher Code for Game Servers (rental servers) gameserver-18102024Voucher Code for TeamSpeak Servers (rental servers) teamspeak-18102024

Through the following links, you can go directly to our game servers and TeamSpeak servers:Game ser...

Palworld Ore Locations and Ore Mining Site

Palworld Ore Locations and Ore Mining Site Ore mining is one of the most crucial parts of the game Palworld. From crafting powerful gear, upgrading your base, or unlocking advanced technology, you will need this resource every step of the way. We will be covering everything you need to know about Ore farming. Starting from the locations you can find these ores, the best pals for the purpose, and then set up an automated base separately for ore mining. Do you want to play Palworld on your own Palworld server? Get your own Palworld server via the following link: Palworld server hosting Let’s get started below. Best Ore Locations in Palworld Ore is used to make Ingots which are required to craft almost all the weapons, crafting materials, saddles, etc., from the Technology Tree. Ore deposits are the heart of resource gathering in Palworld, and knowing where to find them, how to mi...

Dayz Frostline expansion on ZAP-Hosting servers

The Frostline expansion for DayZ was released this week. The Frostline expansion comes with new terrain, a winter landscape, tougher survival features, arctic animals, and more.

The Frostline map is, of course, activated on our servers, and you can activate it on your server as follows:Open your DayZ server in the web interface.Click on "Settings".Under "Mission", select "Frostline".Save the change.Restart the server.
You can now play on the new Frostline map. To play on the Frostline map, you will need the Frostline expansion.You don't have a DayZ server yet but feel like playing DayZ now? Save 50% on your next DayZ server with the code: 8EE6M8JG

Follow this link to our DayZ servers: DayZ server hosting

Palworld Dungeons- Everything You Need To Know

Palworld Dungeons- Everything You Need To Know If you are tired of simply capturing basic pals and building your base, it might be time to pick your favorite pal and explore all the Dungeons. I have spent countless hours in these Dungeons, and every time you enter, there is always a new Alpha Pal to fight to capture and tons of loot, such as Technical Manuals that give Technology Points, rare weapons, and other rare items, Ancient Technology Parts, etc. Not only this, you might find Sulphur and Ore deposits that you can later use to mine them. But there is so much more to this than what meets the eye. Dungeons are not a piece of cake to complete especially if you are trying it for the first time. Do you want to play Palworld on your own Palworld server? Get your own Palworld server via the following link: Palworld server hosting Let’s check out everything you need to know abo...

This weekend: Save 50% on VPSs and Root Servers

🤑 This weekend: Save 50% on VPSs and Root Servers 🚀
Get a VPS or Root Server and save 50%The weekend is here, and we have a new voucher code for you. This time, you can save 50% on the first term of your next Root or VPS (rental servers) with the following voucher code over this weekend until Friday, 18.10.2024: vps-11102024

Through the following links, you can go directly to our Root Servers and VPSs:VPS hostingRoot-Server hostingWe will also soon be adding servers for Deadlock, the shooter-MOBA hybrid currently being developed by Valve. You can pre-order the servers here: Deadlock server hosting
New Minecraft Modpack Servers
You can now also rent the following Minecraft servers, which have recently been integrated into our system: BM: Exosphere MC Chocolate Edition (Forge) Mystic Horizons