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Over decades of crafting, mining, and outsmarting creepers, we've discovered that true survival in Minecraft isn’t just about gathering resources or building a base; it’s an art form.
We have curated this detailed guide on preparing for a 100-day survival challenge in Minecraft. Starting from your first spawn to those critical moments when every decision could mean the difference between life and pixelated death.
If you have been playing Minecraft long enough, or even if you started just a short while ago, this challenge is for you. It might sound like a lot at first, but once you go through the first few days, it becomes exciting and a bit easier once you know what you will need to survive that day.
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Let’s not beat around the bush and look at everything you need to know to get started.
Before we can talk about how you can start your first ten days, it is important to understand how a “day” works in Minecraft world; well, in Minecraft, a day is a total of 20 minutes, which includes the sunrise, afternoon, sunset and then night time. Hence, it will take you ~ 33 hours to complete 100 Days in Minecraft.
Now that we are sorted out with this basic info let’s see what you need in the first few days.
You can start with any random world or choose a seed from the internet and spawn right into it.
Then, your first task will be to gather the essential tools and other resources. This is your first day, so we will focus on crafting some tools.
Look for nearby trees and chop down the woods by punching them since you currently have no tools. While gathering, aim to collect at least 20-30 logs to ensure you have enough for your crafting table, sticks, and other items.
Open your inventory and convert the collected logs into wooden planks and sticks. Use these then to craft a wooden pickaxe, axe, and sword. These early tools help you gather resources more efficiently and defend against any unexpected hostile mobs.
Moving ahead, you must now look for an exposed stone face or dig into the side of a hill. This will help you craft more durable and efficient tools, an upgrade from the wooden ones. You can aim to gather around 30 cobblestones to craft a stone pickaxe, shovel, and additional weapons.
Once you are through all that, you need shelter quickly to ensure you’re not caught off guard and can safely survive until sunrise. For this, you will need enough wood and sheep for wool to craft a bed. However, if no mobs are on site, you can dig underground and hide to spend the night.
Now, considering you have the basics covered on your first day, you must look for food since that will keep you at par throughout these 100 days.
Look for cows, sheep, and pigs around you. These will give you ample food sources along with other essential resources. Likewise, you can grow your own food; hence, break down any tall grass around for seeds. The more seeds you gather now, the better prepared you’ll be to start a sustainable crop that continuously supplies food. If you have enough resources, you can also set up a farm.
Now, on Day 2, you need to upgrade your armor and start mining for iron and coal. Using these, you can set up a furnace, upgrade your weapon's armor, and even get a shield. For the following days, you can explore some caves and continue mining for more iron and coal.
Make sure you have proper armor and shield before you go into these caves and underground mines. You will find a lot of hostile mobs and die if you are not well-protected; that is not what we want.
You can also look for a village nearby to help you get necessary resources through trading and even set up a permanent base nearby. Craft some storage chests to store your extra food from farming, items, iron, coal, wood, and more. Alternatively, you can upgrade your base walls to stone or wood planks for better protection against creepers and skeletons.
For Day 5, ensure you have a bucket with water to help extinguish the lava you might come across while digging underground. Furthermore, you should have a solid foundation by now with an established food source, iron tools, and a secure base. You're ready to start more advanced tasks like automation and Nether exploration in the coming days.
We will now focus on expanding your farm and setting up proper food sources besides crops. You can breed certain mobs such as cows, sheep, chickens, and pigs by your base and build up a farm.
For example, you can use Wheat to breed cows for a steady supply of leather and beef. Likewise, you can breed sheep with wheat for wool, which is necessary for beds and decorative builds. Use fences to create secure pens, and add gates for easy access. Ensure a light source is nearby to prevent hostile mobs from spawning inside.
These are only the basic farms to start with; later, you can set up automatic breeding farms using dispensers and hoppers to make gathering resources easier. Then, moving ahead, you can start digging deeper for diamonds at Y-level -54 and collect extra coal, iron, and lapis lazuli for the enchanting table.
All of these will take significant time and effort, so make sure you go slow and enjoy the process.
Considering you have mined some diamonds, it is time to upgrade your weapons. Start with upgrading to a Diamond Pickaxe and then move to a sword and axe upgrade.
Using the Diamond Pickaxe, you can mine Obsidian, which is used for enchanting tables and building a Nether Portal. Obsidian is found when lava meets water. You’ll often encounter it in lava pools beneath the surface, but make sure to carry a bucket of water to deal with nearby lava. Ensure you’re standing on solid ground, as mining Obsidian will take about 9 seconds per block. Collect at least 14 Obsidian to create both the Enchanting Table and the Nether portal.
While mining, you must also look for Redstone. This material is vital for creating automated systems and enchantments. Redstone is often found while mining at lower levels (Y 5-12) and can be obtained by mining redstone ore blocks.
Hoping you have Obsidian and Diamonds now, craft your Enchanting Table. This will require 4 Obsidian, 2 Diamonds, and 1 Book. Here, you can craft a book with 3 pieces of paper (from sugarcane) and one piece of leather (from cows). When placing the Enchanting Table, you’ll want to surround it with bookshelves. The more bookshelves you have (maximum 15), the higher the enchantment level you can reach.
Use the table to enchant your weapons and armor. For example, for Pickaxe, you can aim for efficiency (speed up mining) and unbreaking (prolongs the life of your pickaxe). However, Enchantments will cost you a combination of XP and Lapis Lazuli. Make sure you have enough to enchant your gear.
As mentioned above, you will need a lot of XP for the enchanting table. To get this quick, you can set up an XP farm.
The easiest XP farm to set up involves using a mob spawner (Skeleton or Zombie) that you find in a dungeon. If you can’t find one, you can create a basic mob grinder using trapdoors and water streams to funnel mobs into a killing area. There is also an alternate way for this when you cannot find any such mobs in a dungeon. Simply build a dark room in a high place where mobs can spawn naturally. Use trapdoors to funnel them into a pit where you can kill them manually.
The more mobs you kill, the more XP you gather. Once you have sufficient XP (at least level 30), you can start enchanting at a higher level for more powerful enchantments.
Your next step is to build a Nether Portal. But before heading in, you must have enough resources (food, armor, tools).
Furthermore, if you have mined some gold, you can craft a Gold Helmet to prevent Piglins from becoming hostile to you in the Nether. To construct a Nether portal, use your 14 Obsidian blocks to construct a 4x5 rectangular frame. Activate it by using Flint and Steel to light the interior blocks.
You will also need an adequately enchanted sword or pickaxe with strong enchantments like Sharpness or Unbreaking. Build a cobblestone or other blast-resistant material shelter around the portal. Ghasts can destroy Nether portals with their explosive fireballs, so protecting the portal is essential to ensure you can return safely.
Once you enter the Nether Portal, look for the Nether Fortress. The Nether world is pretty dangerous and has a high chance of you being killed if you are not careful and do not have proper gear. You can start by collecting Blaze Rods obtained from Blaze spawners.
This is where we enter the mid-game phase and prepare later on for the Ender Dragon Fight.
We are not yet done with the Nether world. As you venture into the Nether, focus on obtaining Blaze Rods in Nether Fortresses, as mentioned above. These rods are essential for crafting Eyes of Ender to activate the End Portal. Look for Wither Skeletons as well required for Skeleton Skulls, which are needed to summon the Wither Boss later. But ensure you have the best armor for this since they are pretty dangerous to get close to.
You will also find other Nether resources, such as Nether Quartz, which is used in Redstone components and gives high XP. Likewise, look for Glowstone, which is considered the brightest light source in Minecraft, and other resources such as Soul Sand and Soul Soil.
Now, you will need a lot of Ender Pearls in Minecraft to craft the Eyes of Ender. This can be obtained by hunting Endermen, but it is not advisable since they can kill you if you are not prepared. Hence, it's best to get Ender Pearls by trading with the Piglins in exchange for Gold.
At this stage in the game and in this challenge, you must have a proper base with enough storage units, automated farms, and proper rooms or areas for special purposes such as enchanting rooms, brewing stations, etc.
If you haven’t yet set up an automatic farm, this is the time to get started with it. Instead of a manual animal farm, you can use Dispensers, Hoppers, and Redstone to automate the breeding process, ensuring a constant supply of food and resources like leather and wool. Similarly, you can set up an Iron Golem farm to create a steady stream of iron for crafting tools, armor, and anvils.
This is what we are here for: the Ender Dragon fight. It will not be easy, but we are in for the challenge, and this is it. To be prepared for it, you need to have a lot of upgraded resources at your disposal.
The armor must be enchanted and upgraded with Protection IV, Unbreaking III, and Mending. You can also look for added Fire Protection for your chest plate and Projectile Protection for your helmet.
Likewise, enchant your Diamond Sword with Sharpness V and your Bow with Power V, Infinity, and Unbreaking III. These are all you will need to ensure your victory in the battle.
You will also need a handful of potions besides the weapons and armor. For example, you can carry a Fire Resistance potion to protect yourself from the Dragon’s fireballs and lava in the End, Slow falling potion (super important) to prevent any fall damage from the towers or during combat, healing potions, and night vision as well for seeing clearly in the End’s dark sky.
Although many argue that you may not need any of the above, a fully enchanted bow and arrow might be enough. However, if this is your first fight ever, you will need every bit of resource.
The last step is creating an end portal and getting into the fight. You will need 12 Eyes of Ender, which can be crafted using the Blaze Powder (from Blaze Rods) and Ender Pearls. Then, use the Eyes of Ender to locate the Stronghold. Now, place the Eyes of Ender in each End Portal Frame block. The portal will light up and be ready to activate.
Once your portal is active, you can jump into it and enter the End Dimension.
Now, the first step towards winning this battle is destroying the End Crystals sitting right on the top of the Obsidian towers. These End Crystals regenerate the Dragon’s health; hence, you need to focus on this.
Most of the crystals here are unprotected; hence, you can use a bow and arrow to destroy them from the ground. However, there are around two of the crystals sitting in the cage. To do this, you must first climb the towers and break the cage by using cobblestone or scaffolding to get on the top. Then, before destroying the crystals, make sure to get down quickly and then use a bow and arrow to destroy them.
Once all the End Crystals are destroyed, it is time to fight the Ender Dragon. The best way to attack when the dragon is flying over you is by using the bow and arrow and aiming for the head. Be careful of the purple fireballs or the dragon’s breath, as they can cause significant damage.
If you have an empty bottle, you can even collect them since they have multiple uses later in the game. You can also attack the Dragon when it lands on the portal in the center. Here, your best bet is to use a sword directly on its head for maximum damage. Keep repeating the same steps till you defeat the dragon.
The best part of defeating the Ender Dragon is the loot. It is believed that once you defeat the dragon, it drops more than 10000 XP orbs. Not only this, but you might also find a Dragon Egg at the End Portal Frame.
Make sure to collect the egg properly. To do this, first, collect the torch beneath the egg. Then, simply click on the egg sitting on the top, and it will teleport from its location for easier access. Dig a hole beneath the egg and place a torch. The Egg drops as an item on the torch and can be displayed in your base.
Apart from these, defeating the dragon also opens up a portal to End Gateway, where you will get some unique items like the Elytra and Shulker Shells.
Now, you can spend the next few days exploring the End City. You will find the portal to the End City floating somewhere above you.
Once you go through the portal, you will enter the End Island. Finding an End City might not be as easy as it may sound. They are randomly generated, so you should search for a few thousand blocks. The best method to find an End City is to walk along large End islands.
An End City is a tall purple structure made of Purpur Blocks. It is the only place where you can obtain Shulkers, Elytra, and other valuable loot which is what we are here for. However, you need to be extra careful here since the Outer End consists of floating islands with void gaps in between, and falling into the Void means instant death, losing all your items permanently.
Your aim is to collect as many Shulker Shells as you can. The Shulkers, a unique mob in End Cities, guard them. They are not difficult to beat; you can simply use a Looting III Sword or a bow for long-range shooting.
Next, we need Elytra, which can be found only inside the End Ships. These are found floating beside large End Cities, which is challenging to locate. Once you reach these ships, you will find a wing-like item inside a frame; simply break it and collect the Elytra.
Other loot in the End Cities are Enchanted Diamonds, Netherite Gear, Emeralds & Gold, etc.
That was stressful, defeating the dragon and exploring the End City. Let’s work on expanding and upgrading our base and preparing for the next battle, the Wither fight. This will take a lot of time to prepare since it will be a lot more challenging and one of the most brutal battles ever.
You can use the new pale oak woods features in the Garden Awakens update for Minecraft. This will give your garden and the base a bit of an eerie but aesthetic look.
Add Resin as a decorative border or framing around windows and doorways for a sleek yet rustic look. In the garden, you can place the Eyeblossoms for nighttime illumination. These are only a basic idea of how your base can be transformed, but they can be done much better. You even have the option to use the chiseled copper blocks to give your interiors a fresh look.
In the last few days, we collected a ton of Shulker Shells, which can be used to make Shulker Boxes. These boxes will help us create an advanced storage system for all your materials, weapons, potions, and more.
You can start with creating shelving units for your Shulker Boxes, where each box can hold a specific type of item. Then, add proper name tags to these boxes to make it easier to sort them out when needed. Moving on, use Hoppers & Chests to fill Shulker Boxes automatically. Add Redstone circuits to sort items into the correct Shulker Boxes using comparators.
Furthermore, you can build proper Redstone doors that automatically open to your storage room. Then, use Shulker Box unloaders connected to Hoppers and Chests to organize resources automatically.
You can set up proper lighting in each section using Copper bulbs for an added touch. Now, all of these will take a significant amount of time, something you will definitely enjoy before having to prepare for your next fight.
Try following multiple YouTube gamers who have created some complex yet stunning structures and automated systems to make things easier.
Now, it's time for the most awaited fight. Most of the gamers will agree that this is the toughest fight of them all. So we must be prepared for it and spend many days gathering everything we need for the fight.
To summon the Wither, you will need three Wither Skeleton Skulls, which can only be obtained from Wither Skeletons in Nether Fortresses.
Now, once you enter the Nether world, you will find a lot of fortresses, but they can be dangerous altogether. Since we are on a 100-day survival journey, it's best to visit a Nether Fortress located in the Soul Sand valley since you will mostly find mobs, such as Zombified Piglins, Wither Skeletons, etc., for collecting the Skulls.
You need a Looting III Sword to get the Skulls every time you kill these mobs. This increases the drop rate of Wither Skeleton Skulls. Without Looting, the chance is 2.5% per kill, but with Looting III, it increases to 5.5%.
Now, these Wither Skeletons are not easy to kill, and their Wither effect is not something you would want to have. These mobs are three blocks tall; hence, you can block the Wither Skeletons from coming at you by simply placing a few blocks in front of you. Then, use your sword and start killing them.
Once you have collected enough Wither Skeleton Skulls, you can head back to your base. There are a few other things you will need for the fight, such as a Full Netherite armor with Protection IV, Unbreaking III, and Mending.
Other than these, you must have a Sword with Sharpness V, Smite V (does extra damage to the Wither), Unbreaking III, Mending, or Bow with the required enchantments that will help you fight the Wither when it's flying.
Potions are the most important part of this fight, and we cannot stress this enough. You will need Strength II, Regeneration II (Constant healing during battle), Instant Health (for quick recovery), and Milk Bucket (removes the Wither effect but also removes positive effects).
If this is your first Wither fight, the best and the easiest location is a deep underground tunnel. You can start off by digging a tunnel at Y-Level -40 to -50. Then, Obsidian, Tuff, or Tuff Bricks should be placed around the area to prevent Wither explosions from causing too much damage. This prevents the Wither from flying away and limits its movement.
Assuming you have all the necessary resources, weapons, and armor for the fight, the only thing left is to summon the Wither.
Go to the farthest end of the tunnel and place 4 Soul Sand in a "T" shape, then place 3 Wither Skeleton Skulls on top of the Soul Sand. It will take about 10 seconds for Wither to spawn.
In the first phase, use your bow to shoot from a distance and keep moving side to side to dodge Wither Skulls. Keep shooting arrows to lower its health. In the next phase, you will use your sword to attack the Wither. Keep using potions to increase your strength and heal while attacking the Wither.
This is all you need to do to kill the Wither. While theoretically, it might sound a little easier, but practically, it is a lot more difficult. Once you are through this, you will get a Nether star as a reward.
We are in the final stage of our survival challenge. This is all about giving everything a finishing touch or any more upgrades if that is what you would want.
Using the Nether star, you can build a beacon. Either choose to build a proper Beacon Pyramid, which will take some time, or you can explore other biomes such as the Mushroom Islands, Badlands, Trial Spawners, Caves, and so much more.
Remember, this is only a small version of the entire challenge, and you are free to go about however you see this journey fit. For example, you may not have the Wither fight at all and would rather have a fight with the Warden, or you can simply focus on building more structures and exploring these 100 days.
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