👍 Save 50% on Game Servers and TeamSpeak Servers with Voucher Code 🚀

Get Game Servers + TeamSpeak Servers and save 50%

The weekend is here, and we have new voucher codes for you. This time, you can save 50% on the first term of your next game server and TeamSpeak server with the following voucher codes over this weekend until Saturday, 01/03/2025.
This time there are 2 voucher codes, one to save on game servers, and the other to save on TeamSpeak servers. You can rent a game server + TeamSpeak server at a discount to play and chat with your friends.

Voucher Code for Game Servers (rental servers)


Voucher Code for TeamSpeak Servers (rental servers)


Through the following links, you can go directly to our game servers and TeamSpeak servers:

New server preorders

You can now also preorder the following servers, which we willintegrate into our systems shortly: