If you are tired of simply capturing basic pals and building your base, it might be time to pick your favorite pal and explore all the Dungeons.

I have spent countless hours in these Dungeons, and every time you enter, there is always a new Alpha Pal to fight to capture and tons of loot, such as Technical Manuals that give Technology Points, rare weapons, and other rare items, Ancient Technology Parts, etc.

Not only this, you might find Sulphur and Ore deposits that you can later use to mine them. But there is so much more to this than what meets the eye. Dungeons are not a piece of cake to complete especially if you are trying it for the first time.

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Let’s check out everything you need to know about these Dungeons, their location, the best pal to take with you, and how you can get the best loot.

All Dungeon Locations

Firstly, let’s check out all the places you can find these Dungeons on the Palpagos Island. Here are all the Dungeons listed below with their specific coordinates.

Level 13 Dungeons

There are a total of 33 Dungeons spread across multiple locations for Level 13. These are fairly easy to complete and perfect for beginners.

You can find these Dungeons in Sea Breeze Archipelago, Forgotten Island, Ice Wind Island, Windswept Hills, Marsh Island, and Eastern Wild Island.

Open table
Level Location Coordinates
13 Eastern Wild Island 524, -196
13 Eastern Wild Island 421, -126
13 Eastern Wild Island 435, -233
13 Marsh Island 388, -264
13 Marsh Island 370, -315
13 Marsh Island 266, -295
13 Windswept Hills Dungeons 150, -358
13 Windswept Hills Dungeons 120, -375
13 Windswept Hills Dungeons 148, -405
13 Windswept Hills Dungeons 125, -429
13 Windswept Hills Dungeons 91, -450
13 Windswept Hills Dungeons 78, -467
13 Windswept Hills Dungeons 62, -434
13 Windswept Hills Dungeons 47, -388
13 Windswept Hills Dungeons -14, -410
13 Windswept Hills Dungeons 9, -470
13 Windswept Hills Dungeons 8, -541
13 Windswept Hills Dungeons 21, -521
13 Windswept Hills Dungeons 52, -526
13 Windswept Hills Dungeons 123, -485
13 Windswept Hills Dungeons 263, -540
13 Sea Breeze Archipelago 132, -564
13 Sea Breeze Archipelago -108, -577
13 Sea Breeze Archipelago -137, -666
13 Sea Breeze Archipelago -165, -670
13 Sea Breeze Archipelago -202, -613
13 Sea Breeze Archipelago -238, -550
13 Forgotten Island -516, -3
13 Forgotten Island -500, 30
13 Forgotten Island -454, -30
13 Ice Wind Island -329, -23
13 Ice Wind Island -289, -7
13 Ice Wind Island -291, 35

Level 19 Dungeons

Next, we have a total of 15 Level 19 Dungeons which is again easier to complete and the pals you will find here are easier to fight and capture.

All the above are found in the Bamboo Groves biome. Here is a list of all the coordinates.

Open table
Level Location Coordinates
19 Bamboo Groves -275, -169
19 Bamboo Groves -284, -213
19 Bamboo Groves -372, -223
19 Bamboo Groves -286, -289
19 Bamboo Groves -230, -393
19 Bamboo Groves -226, -416
19 Bamboo Groves -275, -467
19 Bamboo Groves -216, -410
19 Bamboo Groves -160, -441
19 Bamboo Groves -95, -429
19 Bamboo Groves -108, -447
19 Bamboo Groves -123, -341
19 Bamboo Groves -151, -342
19 Bamboo Groves -184, -237
19 Bamboo Groves -148, -174

Level 29 Dungeons

There are about 29+ Level 29 Dungeons spread across Moonless Shore and Verdant Brook islands.

Here is a list and the coordinates for all the Dungeons.

Open table
Level Location Coordinates
29 Moonless Shore -44, -202
29 Moonless Shore -82, -275
29 Moonless Shore -58, -309
29 Moonless Shore -35, -290
29 Moonless Shore 15, -278
29 Moonless Shore 56, -275
29 Moonless Shore 103, -249
29 Moonless Shore 21, -205
29 Moonless Shore 12, -186
29 Moonless Shore 55, -189
29 Moonless Shore 39, -156
29 Moonless Shore 12, -123
29 Moonless Shore 23, -111
29 Moonless Shore -9, -92
29 Verdant Brook 36, -3
29 Verdant Brook 118, 7
29 Verdant Brook 103, 44
29 Verdant Brook 98, 135
29 Verdant Brook 153, 143
29 Verdant Brook 279, 88
29 Verdant Brook 303, -66
29 Verdant Brook 241, 139
29 Verdant Brook 239, -200
29 Verdant Brook 167, -209
29 Verdant Brook 177, -153
29 Verdant Brook 94, -113
29 Verdant Brook 159, -89
29 Verdant Brook 208, -17
29 Verdant Brook 160, -14

Level 38 Dungeons

Moving ahead, we have a much higher-level Dungeon caves that gives better loot and much more powerful Alpha Pals to capture or defeat.

You can find 15 Level 38 Dungeons spread across the Dessicated Desert. Check out the list below.

Open table
Level Location Coordinates
38 Dessicated Desert 212, 254
38 Dessicated Desert 239, 305
38 Dessicated Desert 330, 312
38 Dessicated Desert 341, 222
38 Dessicated Desert 431, 208
38 Dessicated Desert 401, 107
38 Dessicated Desert 556, 134
38 Dessicated Desert 649, 187
38 Dessicated Desert 582. 258
38 Dessicated Desert 496, 300
38 Dessicated Desert 568, 399
38 Dessicated Desert 471, 489
38 Dessicated Desert 363, 571
38 Dessicated Desert 338, 451
38 Dessicated Desert 383, 411

Level 40 Dungeons

Some of the most epic loot, you can get are from Level 40- Level 54 in the Dungeons. If you are looking to capture some fire-type Alpha Pals, you might get lucky here since all these Dungeons are in the Volcanic regions.

Make sure to take your Heat Resistant Armor with you before going around these regions. Let’s check out the coordinates.

Open table
Level Location Coordinates
40 Mount Obsidian -422, -604
40 Mount Obsidian -371, -570
40 Mount Obsidian -502, -531
40 Mount Obsidian -537, -546
40 Mount Obsidian -571, -462
40 Mount Obsidian -564, -432
40 Mount Obsidian -455, -418
40 Mount Obsidian -459, -315
40 Mount Obsidian -610, -251
40 Mount Obsidian -702, -308
40 Mount Obsidian -801, -365
40 Mount Obsidian -790, -455
40 Mount Obsidian -800, -593
40 Mount Obsidian -729, -629
40 Mount Obsidian - 761, -356

Level 45 Dungeons

This is one of the favorite sets of Dungeons located around the Ice Caps mountains and lands. You might need to take your Cold Resistant Armor for maximum protection before entering the caves.

You can find some high-level Technicals Manuals in the chests, Schematics, etc. Make sure you have leveled up enough since the Alpha Pals here are pretty powerful and can easily take you down if not prepared.

Open table
Level Location Coordinates
45 Land of Absolute Zero -1, 145
45 Land of Absolute Zero -19, 189
45 Land of Absolute Zero -95, 218
45 Land of Absolute Zero -119, 313
45 Land of Absolute Zero -179, 326
45 Land of Absolute Zero -227, 262
45 Land of Absolute Zero -285, 357
45 Land of Absolute Zero -363, 373
45 Land of Absolute Zero -328, 442
45 Land of Absolute Zero -303, 491
45 Land of Absolute Zero -323, 580
45 Land of Absolute Zero -204, 561
45 Land of Absolute Zero -151, 566
45 Land of Absolute Zero 102, 363
45 Land of Absolute Zero 30, 270

Level 52 Dungeons

Lastly, we have Level 52 Dungeons located in the Sakurajima Island that had been added recently with the update.

All these Dungeons can be found in one of the most beautiful biomes: the Cherry Blossoms and Mushroom Wetlands.

Here is a list with their location and coordinates.

Open table
Level Location Coordinates
52 Sakurajima Island -479, 110
52 Sakurajima Island -532, 142
52 Sakurajima Island -430, 180
52 Sakurajima Island -502, 235
52 Sakurajima Island -575, 260
52 Sakurajima Island -594, 290
52 Sakurajima Island -625, 270
52 Sakurajima Island -653, 287
52 Sakurajima Island -676, 238
52 Sakurajima Island -641, 234
52 Sakurajima Island -676, 186
52 Sakurajima Island -615, 175
52 Sakurajima Island -574, 190
52 Sakurajima Island -584, 215
52 Sakurajima Island -358, 140

Best Pals To Take For Dungeons

Now, that you know all the locations of the Dungeons, you can cover each area accordingly and grab the loot. However, before you reach these caves, you must be well equipped with adequate food, weapons, and the right pal to help you navigate around.

Here are some of the pals that might be perfect for the occasion.

1. Fenglope

They are fast and very swift. Moreover, the ability to perform double jump can come in handy for cliffs. Furthermore, it is very easy to find them across the map or you can simply breed them on your farm.

If you are in the early game and trying out the low-level Dungeons such as Level 13 and Level 19, you can get the basic Fenglope and avoid the alpha version since they can get stuck on the doorways in the caves.

2. Direhowl

Another early game you can take with you for Dungeons is Direhowl. It is super fast and the biggest advantage is that it does not get stuck on the ceiling while navigating the caves.

You can breed a better version of this pal or catch multiple of them and then condense them for a better rating and more power.

3. Pyrin or Pyrin Noct

Next, you can take either Pyrin or Pyrin Noct with you. Again they are much faster and can also jump around.

If you can grab the Legend and Swift skills or breed one such pal with these skills, it will be a perfect speedster to help you complete the Dungeons quickly.

4. Shadowbeak

Shadowbeak is a great pal because it is both a ground and flying pal. Because it is pretty fast like the other and also smaller, it fits right through any of the doorways and caves.

5. Rayhound

Similar to Fenglope, Rayhound too can double jump which is pretty useful in the Dungeons.

They are undoubtedly powerful and not too big, making them perfect for traveling around any doorway. Also, since this is an electric pal, the attacks are powerful as well making it easier to catch the Alpha pals in the dungeons.

Chests, Alpha Pals, Rare Pals, and More in Dungeons

Dungeons are the best way to to collect a lot of loot that includes Legendary items, high-level weapons, Tech Points, and even some rare pals.

Let’s check out some of the best loot and pals you can grab in these Dungeons.

1. Rare Pals

The best part of these Dungeons is that you can catch some of the rarest pals that are hardly found anywhere on the island.

Even while you are playing the lowest-level Dungeons, you can come across Mau, which can be farmed at the base and can give you a steady supply of gold coins.

Next, you have Fuddler which is another rare pal up for grabs. They scan for mineable mineral deposits within a 100-meter radius and highlight them on your compass.

Another rare pal would be Daedream. “While in a team, appears near the player. Follows up player attacks with magic bullets.”

Next is Killamari, found inside the Dungeons. They are the perfect pal to be used as gliders and can float for a significant amount of time. Killamari also tends to drop Venom Gland that can be used to craft Poison bows and arrows.

The more you catch these rare pals, the more experience points you can gather.

2. Alpha Pals

Apart from these rare pals, the Dungeons are a great way to catch Alpha Pals that are found at the end of these caves in a separate “Boss” room. These rooms generally have a large tree beneath which you can find these Alpha pals.

Quick Tip: If you do not like the Alpha Pal that you spawn in the Dungeon, you can reset it by simply exiting that room and re-entering it. You can do it as many times till you get the right one.

3. Ores, Sulphur, and other Fragments

Not just pals, you will also come across different rooms in the Dungeons that feature Ores, Palladium Fragments, Sulphur, and Coal. You can bring any pickaxe with you to cut down the rock formations and grab these.

All of the above minerals are highly valuable and can be used for your furnaces at the base, crafting Pal Spheres, and other important work.

Dungeons are the best way to collect these deposits since they are found in huge numbers. There are more than 135 of these caves spread across the map and each has such deposits.

4. Chests and other Loots

One of the major reasons you should go for farming Dungeons is the Chests that are found at the end after you have defeated the Alpha Pal.

If you are lucky, you can unlock some of the Legendary items and Schematics that are otherwise very difficult to find.

All the higher-level Dungeons have the best loot as compared to the lower-level ones. Also, You can also find Technical Manuals, Ancient Civilisation Parts, and Ancient Civilisation Points even at the low-level ones.

Some of the rare items you can find here are:

  1. Ancient Technical Manual
  2. Bellanoir Libero’s Slab Fragment
  3. Heat Resistant Pal Metal Armor Schematic
  4. L and XL Training Manuals
  5. Rocket Launcher Schematic
  6. Pump-Action Shotgun Schematic
  7. +2 Attack and Defense Amulets

These are some of the items you will most likely get in the Dungeos and other Legendary Schematics as well.

How To Navigate the Dungeons

Since the game was launched, most gamers have had the same issue: they have lost their way in these Dungeon caves. Well, once you have understood how it works and the layout, you will never be stuck.

The easiest way is to always go right. Even if you are stuck in any room, keep banking right, and you might find yourself in the Boss room after which you can exit from the Dungeon. This is the easiest and the fastest way to clear the caves.

However, if you are keen on checking out all the rooms, collecting all the resources, and catching rare pals, then you should keep going left. That is where all these rock deposits are, and pals such as Mau and Daedream can be found and captured.

Furthermore, make sure to take with you a basic weapon since there are enemy NPCs waiting to attack you. Also, you need a fast pal and someone who can fit through all the doors. You can check out the best pals for this mentioned above.

Do you want to play Palworld on your own Palworld server? Get your own Palworld server via the following link: Palworld server hosting