Get your own dedicated server now

Dedicated servers are finally here! With dedicated servers you rent a full physical server, while Rootservers and VPSs are virtualized servers that run on a very large host system. One advantage of dedicated servers: Maximum performance 24/7! Likewise, you can install any operating system on the dedicated server and of course run virtual machines there at will and performance. All Dedicated Servers also include a 10 Gbit/s network card for maximum data throughput. So get your own Dedicated Server now:

Dedicated servers can be ordered consistently

If you have already taken a look at our dedicated servers page, you will have noticed that the dedicated servers show an inventory. This is because you are renting a physical system that is in the data center instead of a virtual server. If the inventory is greater than 0, it means that there is a free server in the data center, which can be set up immediately after the order, you do not need to wait! If your desired model is not free, you can still order the server:

We build the system and integrate it into the data center. Within only 5 days you can use the newly assembled system! For more information about the iLO user interface of the server, the installation of different operating systems or the RAID configuration, please refer to our dedicated server documentation: