1024 slots for FiveM servers available now

After extensive testing, we have increased the amount of maxmium slots for our FiveM servers thank to OneSync Infinityand now allow up to 1024 slots instead of 128 slots!
When you rent a new server, you can directly select up to 1024 slots. If you already have a server and would like to add more slots to your server, you can add additional slots to your server at any time via the "Upgrade and Downgrade" function in the web interface of your server.
Important information: To use more than 128 slots, a FiveM Element Club Platinum membership is required.
You can get a FiveM server here:

FiveM servers with txAdmin interface now available

In addition, FiveM servers with the txAdmin interface installed can now be ordered. The txAdmin interface is a web interface that allows you to manage your FiveM server and offers additional options to our web interface.
Among other things, you can use server templates to automatically install your plugins/scripts and configurations according to the template. If you already have a FiveM server, you can install an additional txAdmin server on your server free of charge thanks to our game server cloud.
You can find instructions on how to do this in our documentation.
And of course, the tx admin servers are also ready for up to 1024 players. Get a txAdmin server here: