Your Minecraft server
Hundred of mods and modpacks included. Get the bet Minecraft experience with ZAP-Hosting Minecraft servers.
Minecraft game server games
Along servers for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition we offer server for Minecraft: Spigot, Minecraft: Bukkit and many other Minecraft mods.
Questions asked by customers
You are interested in something before buying your own Minecraft: Bedrock Edition server? The answers below may help.
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Insight into the ZAP web interface
This interface allows you to manage your product conveniently.
Details about our service
What sets ZAP-Hosting apart? Below are some details of our service that will convince you.
Rent your prepaid Minecraft: Bedrock Edition server
Our automatic setup system ensures that your Minecraft game server is fully set up within minutes after payment has been received. Your Minecraft Cauldron Server is of course already completely preconfigured and ready to use. You just have to start your server and then you can connect directly to the IP and the port.
With your Minecraft server you get free FTP access, which allows you to upload files to your server. This allows you to easily install mods and plugins as well as simply uninstall them. Simply upload the files to the appropriate folder and reboot the server. If you have a lot of mods or plugins installed, a RAM boost can be advisable. Just like with any other upgrade, you can do this with just a few clicks via our up/downgrade interface.
If you ordered a Minecraft server with its own IP address, you will even get the default port for your server. This means that you do not have to remember the port, but can simply use the standard Minecraft port 25565. Our game cloud allows you to switch to another Minecraft mod pack or even another game at any time – all within seconds. Obviously, your default port will remain even after a game change.
Minecraft servers instantly online & DDoS protected
To ensure that your server does not suffer from performance breakdowns, even with high mod and plugin loads, your server will only be installed on current and powerful hardware. Likewise, you get free DDoS protection with your Minecraft game server. This effectively prevents DDoS attacks from the outside. If an attack takes place, you will not even get that while you are playing. If you have a game server with its own IP address, you even get administrative access to the protection and can view the attack log. The combination of DDoS protection and branded hardware ensures a smooth gameplay. Likewise, we can promise you the best possible playing experience.
If you have any further questions or if you have problems setting up your Minecraft server, we will be glad to help you. Just get in touch with our support team and we will deal with your problem or question and come to a solution together with you. You contact us daily from 10:30 AM MEZ – 11:00 PM MEZ via live chat, ticket, e-mail. You also have the option to ask your question to the end of this page of course and have our question and our answer seen by everyone.
- SSD server for lightning-fast chunk processing and best Minecraft performance
- Intel E5-2650v4 processors provide high-performance servers for lag-free gaming
- 328GB DDR4-RAM host systems offer enough power for all your plugins and more
- Full access via FTP, updates can be installed at the click of a mouse
- InGame console for sending commands etc.
- Online configuration editor for understanding and editing server settings
- Backups: Create and import with a click of the mouse
- Livechat support so that you can gamble again as soon as possible in case of problems
- Prepaid function if you do not want to have a contract
- Many payment methods including credit card, PaySafeCard and PayPal
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What our customers say (Minecraft Gameserver Ratings)
We can promise you a lot, so we let our customers speak for us.
Ready when you are
Have we convinced you? We are ready. Order your Minecraft: Bedrock Edition gameserver now and get started!