Save 50% on your next game-server

🌞 Save 50% on your next game-server 😎
Save 50% with voucher codeWe have a voucher code for you again! With the following code you can save 50% on the 1st payment of your next game-server, for example Counter-Strike, Minecraft or ARK servers: summervibes50
The ARK Summer Event can now be activated on all serversThis year's summer event ARK: Summer Bash 2021 for ARK: Survival Evolved is here and can be activated on all ARK servers until July 14, 2021.
This year there are again improved rates for XP, taming and more, new colors, items, skins, emotes and pets!
You can activate the event on your ARK server from ZAP-Hosting in the web interface under "Settings":
In the field "ARK Events" enter Summer, save the settings and restart your server to activate the summer event.
The following button will take you to our ARK servers: ARK server hosting
Counter-Strike Go:...

Save 50% with voucher code for VPSs and KVM Rootservers

🌞 Save 50% with voucher code for VPSs and KVM Rootservers 😎 Save 50% on your next VPS or Rootserver The last voucher codes we have had in this blog were mostly codes for game-servers. So it's time again for a code with which you can save 50% on the 1st payment of your next KVM Rootserver or VPS. Just use the following code during the order process and save 50% on the 1st payment of Rootservers and VPSs: vpsrules50 The following links will take you to our Windows and Linux KVM Rootservers and VPSs.: Windows Rootserver Linux Rootserver Windows VPS Linux VPS

Summer heat in Germany and a voucher code from us!

🌞 Summer heat in Germany and a voucher code from us! 😎 Better to stay in doors and play PC in the current heat wave Here in Germany the summer heat wave is rampant and gaming in a cooler room is not a bad idea at all. Get a game-server now, e. g. an Arma-3 server to play the latest Creator DLC on, and save 50% on the 1st payment of your game-server with the following voucher code: summerheat50 Arma 3 Creator DLC: CSLA Iron Curtain has been released The latest Creator DLC CSLA Iron Curtain has been released for Arma 3. We have added the Creator DLC to our systems and you can activate the Creator DLC for all Arma 3: Vanilla (Windows) DLC servers in the web interface under Settings. If you have an Arma 3 Vanilla (Windows) server (without DLC), you can install an additional Arma 3 DLC server thanks to Gameserver Cloud. You can find out how to do this in our documentation. Of cou...

Dedicated servers available now

😎 Dedicated servers available now 🚀
Get your own dedicated server nowDedicated servers are finally here! With dedicated servers you rent a full physical server, while Rootservers and VPSs are virtualized servers that run on a very large host system. One advantage of dedicated servers: Maximum performance 24/7! Likewise, you can install any operating system on the dedicated server and of course run virtual machines there at will and performance. All Dedicated Servers also include a 10 Gbit/s network card for maximum data throughput. So get your own Dedicated Server now: Dedicated server hosting

Dedicated servers can be ordered consistently
If you have already taken a look at our dedicated servers page, you will have noticed that the dedicated servers show an inventory. This is because you are renting a physical system that is in the data center instead of a virtual s...

Minecraft 1.17 for Vanilla, Spigot, Bukkit and more

Minecraft 1.17 has now been released for various Minecraft mods. As soon as the new version is available for a mod, we will immediately integrate it into our systems. Minecraft 1.17 is currently available on the following Minecraft servers:
We are still waiting for Forge to be updated to 1.13 and will include it as soon as Forge is released for 1.17.
We have also added the Auto Updater for the following modpacks:
MC.EternalCraft to Exile [Dissonance]Enigmatica 6Better Minecraft FORGESevtech: AgesPokehaan CraftLife in the Village 2Infinity Evolved ReloadedEngineer's Life 2Life in the VillageAll of Fabric 3MC Eternal Lite
The following modpacks are now available for pre-order. These modpacks will be added to our systems soon:
Mineshafts and MonstersAll in OneParasitesFTB CottonOriginsSMPBetter Minecraft [FABRIC]Equivalent SkiesSeaopolisSta...