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V Rising: Server Configuration

This guide was created with the following products:

(Details may vary with products from different providers but the main concepts remain the same)


V Rising servers come with a wide range of configuration parameters that you can customise to your likings. In this guide, we will explore all of the currently available configuration parameters and explain each in more detail.

Accessing your Configuration File

Firstly, you will have to access your configuration file in order to edit any parameters. There are multiple ways to edit this file.

Via Webinterface

The most user-friendly method is by heading over to the Settings section on your game server's webinterface and searching for the appropriate settings there, as seen below:


Server Configuration Options

In the sections below, we present tables which contain information about the configuration options that available, both for the actual server as well as gameplay configuration options.


We do not recommending changing the Port settings, as these are automatically configured by the game server. Changing the Port values may potentially break your game server!

Important Server Settings

This section summarises the most important server settings, which are found within the ServerHostSettings.json configuration file. For the full list of configuration options, view the game's official GitHub guide.

Parameter NameExampleDescription
NameZAP-Hosting Docs TestSet the name for your server
DescriptionZAP is the best!Set description for your server
Port9876 (default)Set the network port to be used by the game
QueryPort9877 (default)Set the query port used to return info about the server in the server list
MaxConnectedUsers10Set the maximum amount of players that can be on the server at once
MaxConnectedAdmins4Set the amount of admins that can join a full server
ServerFps30 (recommended default)Set the frame rate for your server, we recommend leaving this at default
SaveNameZAPDocsTestSet the name of the world save
PasswordiLoveZAP!2024Set a password for your server, or leave empty for none
ListOnMasterServertrue/falseToggle whether your server should be listed on the server list
AutoSaveCount15Decide how many older saves should be stored
AutoSaveInterval600Set the interval between each auto save
RCON Enabledtrue/falseToggle whether RCON is enabled
RCON Port25575Set the RCON port
RCON PasswordiLoveZAP!2024Set the password for your RCON connection

After you complete your changes, make sure to save the file where appropriate and restart your server. The next time your server starts up, it will use the settings that you have provided.

Key Gameplay Configuration Settings

V Rising has a significant amount of parameters and configuration options present to adjust gameplay. Therefore in this section, we will summarise the most important ones, which are found within the ServerGameSettings.json configuration file.

Parameter NameExampleDescription
GameDifficultyNormalSet the game difficulty for your world
GameModeTypePvP, PvESet the type of gamemode for your world
CastleDamageModeAlways, Never, TimeRestrictedSet when Castles can be damaged, using VSCastle parameter to select time for "TimeRestricted"
PlayerDamageModeAlways, TimeRestrictedSet whether other players can be damaged, using VSPlayer parameter to select time for "TimeRestricted"
PvPProtectionModeShort, Medium, LongSet how long new players are invincible for
DeathContainerPermissionAnyone, ClanMembersSet who can loot dropped items when a players dies
CanLootEnemyContainerstrue/falseSet whether a player can loot another players chest that is not in the clan
BloodBoundEquipmenttrue/falseSet whether you keep your equipment after death
TeleportBoundItemstrue/falseSet whether items can block you from teleporting via Vampire Waygates
AllowGlobalChattrue/falseToggle the global chat

After you complete your changes, make sure to save the file where appropriate and restart your server. The next time your server starts up, it will use the settings that you have provided.