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Valheim: Server Admin Commands & Cheats

Adding yourself as Admin

Getting your Steam ID

To Add yourself as Admin, you first need to get your SteamID64, you can use a tool like the Steam ID Finder

Here you enter your Steam URL:


Then press Find Steam ID

Now we should be able to see our Steam Profile, here we copy our "Steam64ID (Dec)".

Now we open our Servers Webinterface and open the Settings Page, here we will see an "Admins" Option where we can add our Steam ID:


After we have added our Steam ID, we save the Settings and then Restart the Server.

Access the Console

The Console in Valheim can be accessed by pressing "F5" While Ingame, there you can type all Admin Commands or Cheats

Admin Commands

kickName/PlayerID/IPKicks the specified Player
banName/PlayerID/IPBans the specified Player
unbanPlayerID/IPUnbans the specified Player
bannedNoneShows all banned Players