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SCP Secret Laboratory: Installing plugins on server

This guide was created with the following products:

(Details may vary with products from different providers but the main concepts remain the same)

Archived Guide

This document has been archived. Documents are archived if they are no longer relevant, incorrect or up to date. It has been archived for the following reasons:

Reason: The Servermod extension for SCP has been abandoned and will therefore no longer be maintained. We recommend switching to SCP:EXILED instead.

Connect to FTP

Before plugins can be installed, the Access via FTP must be set up.

After this has been setup, you can connect and open the following server folder. /g#####/scp/sm_plugins

Installing Plugins

Finding Plugins

Firstly, you will have to locate available SMOD Compatible Plugins.

The best place to get these, are directly in their discord


This is only one place you can get them. They could be found elsewhere. It's important to check to make sure they are compatible with your SMOD Version.

In this example, we will get the following plugin:

Uploading Plugins

Once you have your wanted plugins installed, you will then upload them to your server FTP. You can upload them via drag&drop into the sm_plugins folder.


Note: After any plugin installation, you will have to restart your server for them to take affect.

Configuring Plugins

Depending on the plugin, there could be various configurations you will have to add to your config_gameplay.txt.

In our example plugin, the following configurations are defined.

To add these, we would edit the config_gameplay.txt.

You can find that using the Configs tab on the left.

And then we can find the config_gameplay.txt


The configurations themselves can really be written anywhere. For best practice, we will write them under the '#Misc gameplay settings' in the config.gameplay.txt file.


NOTE: Depending on the plugin, your configurations will be different. Always make sure to read the instructions with that plugin, so you can add the configs correctly.

After the configurations are defined, you will restart your server (or start the server) and then check it directly ingame!