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RedM: Add your own license key (Patreon) to the server

This guide was created with the following products:

(Details may vary with products from different providers but the main concepts remain the same)


An own license key is necessary, especially if you want to access features like Onesync, colored server names, and other exclusive benefits available through RedM Patreon. Additionally, you may require a custom license key if you need to change the listed server owner or if an error occurs indicating that the automatically generated ZAP key is invalid.


To create your own license key, you should first login to the Keymaster website. If you do not have an existing Forum account, you must create one in order to to be able to login and proceed.

After you are logged in, click on the New server button on the left navigation bar, which will take you to the key creation page:

Generate Key

Once you have provided all of the necessary information, you should be able to generate a key. Your page should look similar to below. Now, press the Generate button and a key will be created.

Return back to the home page, and you will be able to see your newly registered license key.

Configure Key

Finally, you must head over to the Settings section on your game server's webinterface, and head over to the Custom license key field. In this field, paste the code that was generated.


For txAdmin: If you are using txAdmin version of the game server, you must instead define the key under the sv_licensekey parameter. You can access your server.cfg file either via your txAdmin interface panel, the Configs section on your game server's webinterface or directly through FTP access.


After you have set your custom license key, proceed to restart your RedM server. You have successfully set a custom license key for your RedM game server!