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Palworld: Palworld Server Configuration

Palworld servers come with a wide range of configuration parameters that you can customise to your likings. In this guide, we will explore all of the currently available configuration parameters and explain each in more detail.

Accessing your Configuration File

Firstly, you will have to access your configuration file in order to edit any parameters. There are multiple ways to edit this file.

Via Webinterface

The most user-friendly method is by heading over to the Settings section on your gameserver's webinterface and searching for the appropriate settings there, as seen below:


Server Configuration Options

Important Server Settings

These are server configuration options which are essential for customising your server's listing, protecting it through passwords and more internal settings.


We do not recommending changing the Port or IP settings, as these are automatically configured by the gameserver. Changing the IP/Port values may potentially break your gameserver!

Parameter NameExampleDescription
ServerPlayerMaxNum4The max amount of players that can join the server (max 32)
ServerNameZAP-Hosting Docs TestYour server's name
ServerDescriptionThis is a server that we are testing onYour server's description
AdminPasswordctRQvhPAWVHqThe Admin Password used for admin commands
ServerPasswordiLoveZAP!2024Lock the server behind a password (private)
PublicPort8211 (default)The public port the server runs on
PublicIP123.123.123.123Public IP the server runs on
RCONEnabledtrueToggle the use of RCON
RCONPort8222Port number to be used for RCON

After you complete your changes, make sure to save the file where appropriate and restart your server. The next time your server starts up, it will use the settings that you have provided.

Gameplay Configuration Settings

These are less important server configuration options, mostly for altering the gameplay and progression aswell as the map and world that you are playing in.

Parameter NameDescription
DayTimeSpeedRateSet the time speed during the day
NightTimeSpeedRateSet the time speed during the night
ExpRateSet the rate at which you gain experience (XP)
PalCaptureRateRate at which you capture Pals
PalSpawnNumRatePal appearance rate
PalDamageRateAttackDamage from pals multipiler
PalDamageRateDefenseDamage to pals multipiler
PlayerDamageRateAttackDamage from player multipiler
PlayerDamageRateDefenseDamage to player multipiler
PlayerStomachDecreaceRatePlayer hunger depletion rate
PlayerStaminaDecreaceRatePlayer stamina reduction rate
PlayerAutoHPRegeneRatePlayer auto HP regeneration rate
PlayerAutoHpRegeneRateInSleepPlayer sleep HP regeneration rate
PalStomachDecreaceRatePal hunger depletion rate
PalStaminaDecreaceRatePal stamina reduction rate
PalAutoHPRegeneRatePal auto HP regeneration rate
PalAutoHpRegeneRateInSleepPal sleep health regeneration rate (in Palbox)
BuildObjectDamageRateDamage to structure multipiler
BuildObjectDeteriorationDamageRateStructure determination rate
CollectionDropRateGetherable items multipiler
CollectionObjectHpRateGetherable objects HP multipiler
CollectionObjectRespawnSpeedRateGetherable objects respawn interval
EnemyDropItemRateDropped Items Multipiler
DeathPenaltyDeath penalty (None/Item)
GuildPlayerMaxNumMax player of Guild
PalEggDefaultHatchingTimeTime(h) to incubate massive egg

After you complete your changes, make sure to save the file where appropriate and restart your server. The next time your server starts up, it will use the settings that you have provided.