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Palworld: Setup Admin

In this guide, we will look at configurating your server with an admin password and adding yourself as an admin in-game. This password can be shared with trusted players to grant a range of admin commands. You can learn more about these server commands through our Palworld Server Commands guide.

Configuring your Admin password

Firstly, you have to access your configuration settitngs. There are a few ways which you can do this, we list them each below including instructions on setting the password. We recommend using the Webinterface option as this is the most user-friendly. Once you have set your admin password, you can head over to the next section.

Via Webinterface

The most user-friendly method is by heading over to the Settings section on your gameserver's webinterface.


In the Settings area, search for the Game server password option. In this field, create a password that you wish to use and input it.



Once you have a password selected, scroll up and ensure you press the green Save button to confirm selection.


Setting yourself as admin

Once your admin password is set, you will have to add yourself as admin. Launch Palworld and connect to your server. If you need help doing this, please have a look at our Palworld Connect guide.

In-game, open the chat using Enter. Next, input the following command, replacing [password] wihh the admin password that you have set previously:

/AdminPassword [password]


You should recieve a success message in chat if this was correct. If you received an error, please ensure that the admin password you have inputted is correct and the one that you set in the previous step.