Garry's Mod: Server.cfg settings
This guide was created with the following products:
(Details may vary with products from different providers but the main concepts remain the same)
Configure your server.cfg in Garry's Mod.
To change the server.cfg directly through our webinterface, we go to the Configs-Tab.
after that we open the server.cfg in our built in Config-Editor.
You are now in our Config-Editor, here you can change all variables as desired, please be sure to do not mix Settings between our Settings-Tab and the server.cfg this could effect: hostname, rcon_password and sv_password.
Possible Variables to customize your Garry's Mod Server:
sbox_maxprops 150 //Sets the maximum limit of props a player can have.
sbox_maxragdolls 10 //Sets the maximum limit of ragdolls a player can have.
sbox_maxballoons 10 //Sets the maximum limit of balloons a player can have.
sbox_maxeffects 10 //Sets the maximum limit of effects a player can have. (FPS sensitive)
sbox_maxdynamite 10 //Sets the maximum limit of dynamite a player can have.
sbox_maxlamps 10 //Sets the maximum limit of lamps a player can have.
sbox_maxthrusters 10 //Sets the maximum limit of thrusters a player can have.
sbox_maxwheels 10 //Sets the maximum limit of wheels a player can have.
sbox_maxnpcs 10 //Sets the maximum limit of npcs a player can have.
sbox_maxhoverballs 10 //Sets the maximum limit of hoverballs a player can have.
sbox_maxvehicles 10 //Sets the maximum limit of vehicles a player can have.
sbox_maxbuttons 10 //Sets the maximum limit of buttons a player can have.
sbox_plpldamage 0 / 1 //0 = PVP off, 1 = PVP on
sbox_godmode 0 / 1 //0 = off, 1 = on (Godmode of all players)
sbox_noclip 0 / 1 //0 = Noclip off, 1 = Noclip on
sv_noclipaccelerate 3 //Changes the speed of noclip.
sv_alltalk 1 //If enabled, you can every player on the server.
Network related settings (No changes recommended)
sv_minrate 0 //Lowest Connectionspeed
sv_maxrate 10000 //Highest Connectionspeed
sv_minupdaterrate 10 //Lowest Tickrate
sv_maxupdaterrate 66 //Highest Tickrate
net_maxfilesize 64 //Highest Filesize which can be transferred without FastDL.
sv_lan 0 //Makes the game a online game.
sv_region 3 //0+1 = US, 2 = South Africa, 3 = Europe, 4 = Asia, 5 = Australia, 6 = Middle East, 7 = Africa, 255 = Worldwide
If you have changed everything as desired, you just need to save your changes.
After a server reboot all changes are live.