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FiveM: Install Replacement Carmods on server

This guide was created with the following products:

(Details may vary with products from different providers but the main concepts remain the same)

Connect with FTP

First you should connect to your server via FTP, you can use our Access via FTP guide for this.


Now create a folder for your mods in the "resources" folder.


You can name the folder anything as long as it does not contain any special characters. In our example it is "assets".

Now create a fxmanifest.lua file in your freshly created "assets" folder

The following text is now entered in this file:

fx_version 'cerulean'
games { 'gta5' }

Then the fxmanifest.lua can be saved and closed, we no longer need it.

In your assets folder you now create a "stream" folder.

Upload Mods

Now open this stream folder, here you can now upload all ytd and yft files by drag & drop:

After all the mods have been uploaded, all you have to do is enter your resource in the server.cfg, you will find this in the "server-data" folder of your FiveM server.

You can open this with any text editor, under the "start" entries you can now enter your resource as follows:

start assets

Finished! After a server restart, the Carmod should now be found on the server!