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Satisfactory: Connect to the Server


If you're already using a QWERTY keyboard layout, you must not do these steps, just press CTRL + SHIFT + L and open the Console with ~

To connect to your Satisfactory Server, its required to open the console of the game, there are two ways on how to do that.

Open the Console

Switching the keyboard layout

You can easily switch your keyboard layout in a few steps. Start your Satisfactory game until you're in the main menu. Press now CTRL + Shift your keyboard layout should now have changed to EN. You can easily check if that worked, switch to your desktop and check if in your taskbar is EN on the right lower corner.

If the change were successfully, you can now go back into the game, press now CTRL + SHIFT + L Press now ^ on your keyboard, it should open the console.

Verändern der Taste welche die Console öffnet

Press Windows-Key + R or search in your startmenu for Run Copy this path into it:



and press enter.

Please open now the file Input.ini with a editor of you choice (as example notepad)


If the file isn't there yet, just created it.

Add this text into your file:

[/script/engine.inputsettings] ConsoleKey=F6

Save and restart the game - you can now open the console with F6

Connect to your Satisfactory Gameserver

Copy the IP-Address from your server dashboard:

Open the console in the game, as mentioned in the steps before

Write now open IP-Adress-of-Your-Server into it.

and press enter.

You're now joining your satisfactory server!


The HUB is already placed in the world, you can destroy it if you'd like by pressing F and replace it on another location. You'll find the HUB easily by following the mark.


The Server saves your progress all 5 minutes, you can see them in the savegame manager in your servers dashboard. It will always keep the last 6 saves (30 minutes) of progress.