Domain: ProfiDNS
This guide was created with the following products:
(Details may vary with products from different providers but the main concepts remain the same)
The ProfiDNS option offers the possibility to make advanced configurations to the DNS settings. This allows you to link to ZAP-Hosting's own services as well as to other external services. The possibilities are therefore endless.
Access and use case
To access and activate the EasyDNS option, you must open the administration of your domain in the web interface. Once there, you will see the following options under DNS administration:
- EasyDNS
- ProfiDNS
- ExpertDNS
The EasyDNS option should be selected by default. So you must first select and activate the ProfiDNS option.
You can manage the DNS records under DNS Administration in the domain administration under Settings. New records can be created or existing ones can be adjusted/deleted there.
We recommend taking a look at the following guides for further important information on configuring the DNS settings:
Congratulations, you have successfully configured the DNS settings of your domain. For further questions or assistance, please don't hesitate to contact our support team, which is available daily to assist you! 🙂