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Domain: EasyDNS

This guide was created with the following products:

(Details may vary with products from different providers but the main concepts remain the same)


The EasyDNS option enables simple linking (forwarding) with one of your ZAP hosting services. With just a few clicks, you can for example connect your domain to a server or webspace product.

Access and use case

To access and activate the EasyDNS option, you must open the administration of your domain in the web interface. Once there, you will see the following options under DNS administration:

  • EasyDNS
  • ProfiDNS
  • ExpertDNS

Activate EasyDNS and select the service you want to actively link to your domain, as shown in the example. This can for example be a webspace or server product. Then click on Save to complete the change.

In the example from the screenshot, the domain is linked to a game server that was installed via a vServer using the installed GS/TS3 interface. To do this, please enter a name in the subdomain field and select the service.

Changes to the DNS configuration

Please be aware that changes to the DNS can take up to 24 hours to be applied globally. Forwarding won't be available until then.


Congratulations, you have successfully linked your domain to one of your services. For further questions or assistance, please don't hesitate to contact our support team, which is available daily to assist you! 🙂