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DayZ: Installation of Mods


Mods allow you to customize your server even more. The following explains where you can find the most popular server mods and how to set them up.


Through the Steam Workshop, you have the option to install mods on your server. The Steam Workshop is ideal for discovering and managing new and exciting mods. Start by browsing the Steam Workshop for mods that catch your interest. If you find a mod you like, it's important to note the associated Workshop ID. You can obtain the ID from the URL. This Workshop ID is necessary for the upcoming installation.


The next step is to start installing the mods. Thanks to the Steam Workshop option, installation is straightforward. Access the management of your game server and navigate to Steam Workshop. There, you have the option to enter the mods into the provided field. Enter the Workshop IDs you have previously noted and add them there. If you are adding multiple mods, ensure that the mods are separated by a comma symbol.


Following this, the mods need to be registered in the settings of your game server management. Enter the added mods into the Mods field and click Save.



With the next server restart, the mods will be automatically downloaded, installed, and immediately available for use!