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ZAP-Hosting Contribution Program

Contribution Program 2.0


Here at ZAP-Hosting, we believe in the power of our Community, thus we are pleased to run our very own ZAP-Hosting Community Contributions program. This program enables our ZAP Community to produce high-quality, practical and easily accessible guides to support a wide range of topics and help out other fellow people. The program also supports creativity from our Community through the creation of unique Blog posts and content.

All content produced under this program provides money rewards as an awesome benefit for successfully contributing! We offer reward payouts through PayPal and as credit for your ZAP-Hosting account. Rewards are provided as the final step once your contribution is approved by our ZAP-Hosting Contributions Team and is ready to be published.

You can view more information about rewards as well as the criteria used for evaluating rewards via the Contribution Rewards guide.

Our program currently accepts contributions in English.

What qualifies for this program?

We are pleased to have expanded our program to cover new areas in response to great engagement and feedback from the Community. These areas of interest are briefly presented below alongside a link to their dedicated guide page where you can view further information.

ZAP Guides - Creating & Updating Guides

Our ZAP Guides contribution section involves creating content for our guides on our official ZAP-Hosting Docs. This involves creating brand new guides but also covers updates and expansions to existing guides where deemed necessary.

Interested in Contributing to our Guides? Head over to our dedicated Guides Process Guide to learn more.

ZAP Blogs - Writing Blog Posts

We are pleased to introduce blog posts as our latest area of interest for our contribution program. This is a very exciting opportunity that involves writing your very own informative blog posts for our official Blog.

Interested in Contributing to our Blog? Head over to our dedicated Blogs Process Guide to learn more.

Who is this program for?

The contribution program is accessible to anyone who wants to share their knowledge and experience with the community! We actively look for dedicated writers who have strong technical skills and are knowledgeable in their respective field. We also search for talented creatives, who can write engaging articles for our industry and audience. Most importantly, we look for writers who are dedicated and are happy to collaborate with our ZAP-Hosting Contributions Team to improve and revise their content before publishing.

Are you interested in joining the conversation and collaborating with other like-minded people? Feel free to join our Discord Server and use the #Customise Community channel to assign yourself the contribution role to keep updated with the latest changes, communicate with other contributors and collaborate!

During participation in our ZAP-Hosting Contribution Program, you must abide by our Terms & Conditions and prerequisites. These are non-negotiable and must be followed to be able to participate in our Contribution Program. If we believe that you have breached one of our terms, your work may not be approved and thus will not qualify for our Contribution Program. All final decisions are at the discretion of the ZAP-Hosting Contributions Team.

Key Information:

  • You agree to transfer all exclusive intellectual property rights of your creation to ZAP-Hosting GmbH & Co KG. This transfer is confirmed once you have received your payment.
  • In order to comply with copyright laws, we cannot accept content from other sources. All content that is produced under our contribution program must be original work produced by you.
  • No unauthorized use of AI/generative tools and/or other pieces of intellectual property is allowed (this includes but is not limited to images, audiovisual media, written content and/or any other piece of intellectual property not specifically stated here, without explicit permission from the rightsholders).
  • All game content and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All content on this site is the property of ZAP-Hosting GmbH & Co KG.

Our full Terms & Conditions for our Contribution Program can be accessed here.

Provision of Temporary Services

On request and if necessary, we may provide services that are needed to create a guide or blog post for a limited period of time. Through server provisioning, we want to improve accessibility to necessary products to allow people to write about topics for which they may not have an active server with us.

You can request a service through the respective submission process that you are using, under one of the questions.

The provisioning depends on a few factors. For example, the activity of your ZAP-Hosting account is evaluated, how active you have already been in terms of the contribution program, and whether provisioning by us is necessary for the planned content. If a service is provided, it will be made available to you free of charge for a limited period of time. The provision is limited to a few days depending on the scope of the content and the required service.