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ZAP-Hosting Affiliate Program

Affiliate Program


Our Affiliate program allows you to earn free money by referring new customers to ZAP-Hosting. You can access this by heading over to the Affiliate Page on our website.

Through the Affiliate page, you will be able to manage affiliate links, banners and access your dedicated affiliate coupon code which will provide any new customers with an awesome permanent 20% off their server price for its entire runtime.

How the Affiliate Program works

You will be able to publish and promote all the affiliate generated content where ever you believe you could gain some traction, for example on your website, a forum or on your social media account. It is entirely up to you.

When someone clicks on the link, and buys a product on our website, you will be eligible to a sales commission.


The user could also pair their purcahse with your affiliate voucher code during the checkout process to also provide a discount.


Through the Affiliate program, the exact amount of commission depends on the type of product that the person using your link has purchased. It can be as great as 50% for many products.

You can view the latest and up-to-date commission % values through the Conditions Section on the Affiliate Page.


The affiliate credit display is based on payments including VAT. If you are not a German business/individual who has to add VAT to their invoices, you have to deduct VAT before sending your invoice. This means that you have to deduct the VAT from your displayed affiliate balance when paying out. You can do this by dividing the displayed amount by 1.19 (19% German VAT).

Example: You have €100 affiliate credit. You should invoice: 100 / 1.19 = €84.03 in total if you choose PayPal as your payout option. Otherwise, if you pay out to your cashbox (ZAP Coins), you will receive the full amount.

If VAT has to be shown in the invoice, the full amount will be shown in the invoice including VAT. With an affiliate credit of 100€, an invoice of 100€, consisting of €84.03 invoice amount and €15.97 VAT will be sent. Non-German invoices generally will not have to add VAT to the invoice.

To create a new affiliate link or banner, simply head over to the main Affiliate Page and scroll down. You will be able to view your existing links and banners, but you will also be able to create new ones through the green Create advertising material buton.


This will open up a menu in where you will be able to customise a range of values. Firstly, you should pick if you want this to be simply a link or a banner.

Each of the values will be explained in detail below:


In this field, you can specify the unique alias URL ending that should be used for your banner or link. This cannot be duplicate, so it must be available.

For example, specifying ilovezap in this field will mean that your banner/link will be accessible through

If you do not specify your own alias, a random one will be automatically generated for you.

Choose a template or linktext

This field is dependant on the type of advertising material you have picked.

If you picked banner, you will have to choose a template. You can do so by using the drop down menu and selecting one of our many default banners that fits your needs and looks.

On the other hand, if you picked link, you can specify a linktext which will be used to generate HTML code for your link. For example, if you pick click this, the HTML code created will display the text click me which is hyperlinked to the affiliate link you are creating.

You can see this here: <a href="">click me</a>

Selecting the target product

In these fields you can pick a range of options to customise to your own likings where your new affiliate link will redirect to.

We recommend toggling the Shop products on because it will lead the customer directly to the server configurator for the selected product, rather than the product page. The fewer pages a user has to go through, increases the likelihood that an order will be placed.

Next you can select the Product field using the drop down menu. This is where your new affiliate link will redirect the user to when they access it. If you select a gameserver, you will have an addition Game option which you will have to select, otherwise the product is the only option.

Finshing the creation process

Once you have filled everything in to your liking, simply press the green Create button to proceed in creating your banner or link. You should receive an success message if everything is correct, and your new banner or link will appear under the Your Banners/Links section once you scroll down.


Cash out & Transferring

You can transfer out your Affiliate Program balance either into your cashbox (ZAP Coins) or into money via PayPal. Head over to the Affiliate Page page again and press the blue Payment/Transfer button.


Now follow the appropriate section below to transfer to either currency.

ZAP Coins


Once you have your credits transferred into ZAP Coins, you can no longer cash out them out!

On the menu prompt, select ZAP Coin balance as the option. Choose whether you wish to transfer the entire balance or only a specific part of it. Once ready, simply press the green Transfer button to confirm.


Real money (PayPal)

We currently only offer payouts into real money via PayPal. In order to payout via PayPal, you will have to create and send an invoice to us referencing your customer ZAP ID.

Head over to the PayPal Invoice Creator and fill in the invoice as appropriate:

  • Fill in our company information as the recipient: ZAP-Hosting GmbH, Hafenweg 8, 48155 Münster, Deutschland
  • Description must include: ZAP Affiliate Payout [your_zapid]
  • Invoice must be sent to:

Your ZAP ID number can be found on the top right of our website when logged in, with a format such as zap123456.