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Abiotic Factor: Server Configuration

This guide was created with the following products:

(Details may vary with products from different providers but the main concepts remain the same)


Abiotic Factor servers come with a wide range of configuration parameters that you can customise to your likings. In this guide, we will explore all of the currently available configuration parameters and explain each in more detail.

Accessing your Configuration File

Firstly, you will have to access your configuration file in order to edit any parameters. There are multiple ways to edit this file.

Via Webinterface

The most user-friendly method is by heading over to the Settings section on your game server's webinterface and searching for the appropriate settings there, as seen below:


Server Configuration Options

In the sections below, we present a tables which contain information about a wide range of configuration options that are available for Abiotic Factor dedicated servers.

Important Server Settings

These settings can only be set directly through your gameserver's webinterface panel under the Settings section.

Parameter NameExampleDescription
Server NameZAP-Hosting Docs TestSet the name for your server
PasswordiLoveZAP!2024Set a password for your server, or leave empty for none

After you complete your changes, make sure to save the file where appropriate and restart your server. The next time your server starts up, it will use the settings that you have provided.

Gameplay Configuration Settings

Abiotic Factor contains a wide range of gameplay configuration options which are named Sandbox Settings. A file named SandboxSettings.ini should be present in the main world folder when accessing your server through FTP.

If you do not see this file, create this file on your system locally and copy the following contents: Abiotic Factor Default SandboxSettings.ini GitHub.

You can now adjust the values as you wish. Once ready, upload this file to the main world folder via FTP, at the following path:


In the table below, we will summarise a few key gameplay settings that are found in the SandboxSettings.ini file. If you wish to view all available options, see the Official GitHub Page.

Parameter NameExampleDescription
LootRespawnEnabledtrue/falseToggle whether loot should spawn around the map
PowerSocketsOffAtNighttrue/falseToggle whether the power should be off during the night
DayNightCycleSpeedMultiplier1.0Set the speed multiplier of the day and night cycle
EnemySpawnRate1.0Set the frequency at which enemies spawn
EnemyHealthMultiplier1.0Set a multiplier for enemy health
EnemyPlayerDamageMultiplier1.0Set a multiplier for how much damange enemies do to players
DetectionSpeedMultiplier1.0Set a multiplier for how fast enemeies can spot/detect players
PlayerXPGainMultiplier1.0Set a multiplier for XP gained by players
ItemStackSizeMultiplier1.0Set a multiplier for how much items can be stacked in an inventory slot
ItemDurabilityMultiplier1.0Set a multiplier for item durability
ShowDeathMessagestrue/falseToggle whether players should be notified of entity deaths
AllowRecipeSharingtrue/falseToggle whether players can share item recipes

After you complete your changes, make sure to save the file where appropriate and restart your server. The next time your server starts up, it will use the settings that you have provided.