7 Days to Die: Commands
This guide was created with the following products:
(Details may vary with products from different providers but the main concepts remain the same)
The Console
To run commands on your server, you need to be an admin. If you dont know how to become an admin, please checkout our guide.
All commands are required to be executed through the developers console. You can open it by pressing F1
The console looks like that:
The Commands
The most important commands:
Befehl | Beschreibung |
giveself [item id] [quality level 1-6] | Adds yourself an item, with the choosen quantity level |
debugmenu on/off | Enables the Debug Menu, can be opened by pressing G |
giveselfxp [amount] | Adds your character XP Points |
creativemenu on/off | Enables the Creative Menu, can be opened by pressing U |
spawnsupplycrate | Spawns a supplycrate on your location |
admin [add] [remove] [list] | This command is used to add/remove admins |
kick [playername] [grund] | Kicks a player from the server |
tele [Player A] [Player B] | Teleports Player A to Player B |
weather | Changes the weather conditions |
help | Shows all available commands |